Research and scholarship from undergraduate students in the Psychology Department at St. John Fisher University.


Submissions from 2019


The gender conformity conundrum: The effects of irrelevant gender norms on public conformity, Matthew F. Carter, Timothy M. Franz, Jordan L. Gruschow, and Alyssa M. VanRyne


Reconciliation in Post-Civil War America: Uniting a Divided Nation and its People, Taylor LaValley


When do psychosocial explanations of psychiatric problems increase stigma? Self-report and implicit evidence, Ryan Thibodeau and Gabrielle L. Amberger

Submissions from 2018


On continuum beliefs and psychiatric stigma: Similarity to a person with schizophrenia can feel too close for comfort, Ryan Thibodeau and Karlie M. Peterson


Keep your distance: People sit farther away from a man with schizophrenia versus diabetes, Ryan Thibodeau and Heather M. Principino

Submissions from 2017


Do continuum beliefs reduce schizophrenia stigma? Effects of a laboratory intervention on behavioral and self-reported stigma, Ryan Thibodeau, Lindsay N. Shanks, and Brian P. Smith

Submissions from 2015


The Effect of Workplace Bullying and Organizational Support on Health and Organizational Outcomes, Jessica L. Nielsen, Nicole B. Dorio, Timothy Franz, and Kimberly McClure Brenchley