Date of Award/Publication


Document Type


Degree Name

Doctor of Nursing Practice

First Supervisor

Marilyn Dollinger


Joint Commission 2015 sentinel event data identified communication as the third leading cause of all medical errors in the United States. The complex delivery of health care requires teamwork; however, members of the health care team are rarely trained together and often come from different educational and cultural backgrounds. To improve communication, an interprofessional high fidelity simulation-based program that uses the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality TeamSTEPPS® 2.0 Framework and associated communication tools was implemented and evaluated in a medium sized acute care community hospital. This quantitative descriptive correlational study addresses two research questions: (1) how does the implementation of a TeamSTEPPS® Simulation Program impact the communication between members of the interprofessional team? (2) How does the implementation of a TeamSTEPPS® Simulation Program impact individual’s attitudes, knowledge, and skills towards teamwork?

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Nursing Commons
