"The Future of Education Reform: The Role of Emotional Intelligence for" by Marie Cianca and Shannon Cleverley-Thompson

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Conference Proceeding

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With the demands for better outcomes and greater change from school leaders such as superintendents, principals, central and building-level administrators, there is a need to understand how emotional intelligence can help these leaders meet new demands in the near future. There are three models of emotional intelligence from Daniel Goleman, Salovey, Mayer and Caruso, and Bar-On that may have benefits to offer school leaders. The facilitators currently teach in an Executive Leadership Doctoral Program and wish to gain insights from program graduates who are current leaders in their fields. However, before a study is developed, it would be helpful to discuss and gather advice from others interested in this topic to best capture ideas and perceptions on the study of Emotional Intelligence to enhance training for school leaders


Roundtable presented at the Association of Leadership Educators Annual Conference in San Antonio, Texas, in July 2014.

Published in the conference proceedings here: https://www.leadershipeducators.org/resources/Documents/2014%20ALE%20Conference%20Proceedings.pdf

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