"Social and Emotional Competencies and Science Performance in the USA: " by Guillermo Montes

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This paper asks whether students with different socioemotional learning (SEL) profiles perform differently in science. Using latent class analysis, we found three distinct groups of students: a majority of students who are relatively unmotivated and isolated, a sizeable group of students who are strong co-operators, and a relatively small group of students who are highly motivated and enjoy science, but do not value cooperation. After controlling for student and family covariates, as well as classroom, teaching and school leadership and institutional variables, the highly motivated, individualist group substantially outperformed the isolated group, with the co-operator group having intermediate performance. These SEL related differences in science performance were large, larger than performance differences associated with socioeconomic variables.




This article was originally published as: Guillermo Montes. Social and Emotional Competencies and Science Performance in the USA: Evidence from PISA 2015. Psychology and Behavioral Science International Journal. 2019; 13(5): 555873. DOI: 10.19080/PBSIJ.2019.13.555873

The article can also be found on the publisher's website: https://juniperpublishers.com/pbsij/pdf/PBSIJ.MS.ID.555873.pdf

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