"Leadership Practices of Black Male Leaders in the Nation of Islam: A Q" by Mark D. Muhammad

Date of Award


Document Type


Degree Name

Doctor of Education (EdD)


Executive Leadership

First Supervisor

C. Michael Robinson

Second Supervisor

Loretta Quigley


The leadership field is evolving beyond a focus on one central leader to include leadership as the capability of the collective to change reality. The process of building Black male leadership is besieged by hurdles with little scholarly attention to the leadership development of Black males. The Nation of Islam (NOI) has exhibited success in developing Black male leaders. This qualitative descriptive study explores the leadership practices of five NOI leaders of Muhammad Mosques in cities within the northeastern United States. Using a purposive sampling methodology, the researcher conducted semi-structured interviews, which were recorded, transcribed, coded, and analyzed. The findings revealed four major categories, including (a) de/reconstructing knowledge, (b) launching pad for leadership, (c) labor of love, and (d) men-touring. By identifying and analyzing the meaning, nature, successes, and challenges associated with male leadership in the Nation of Islam, leadership development practitioners, educators, political leaders, community leaders, and social workers who assist Black males would benefit from knowing practices that may be transferable to Black male leadership outside of the Nation of Islam. In addition, this study lifts the voices of two underrepresented groups (Black males and members in the Nation of Islam), which helps to address the social justice issue of the contribution of these groups being ignored and marginalized/otherized.

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