Date of Award/Publication


Document Type


Degree Name

MS in Human Resource Development




The case organization used in this study is a result of various acquisitions over the past ten years. The most recent acquisition occurred a year and a half ago. While the growth has added much to the organization, it has also had a tremendous effect on the organization's greatest asset - its people. This effect is mostly the result of communication in the organization, leadership and various cultures coming together. A literature review of these various topics set the stage for further investigation by this researcher, who conducted a consultative intervention. In the fall of 2003, an outside source administered an employee satisfaction survey in order to gage the climate of the organization. Extant data was then used by this researcher to pinpoint areas of improvement. Focus groups and qualitative interviews were conducted in order to dig deeper into these issues. Recommendations were made based upon the findings. Some of these include talent/leadership development, improved communication skills and recruitment. Implications for HRD professionals and recommendations for future research are also discussed.

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