"Implementing a Substances of Abuse Outreach Program in the Rochester C" by R L. Jarbe, N M. Piette et al.

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Poster Presentation

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Objective: This program aims to provide substances of abuse education to local high school students.

Methods: An outreach program, modeled after the National Institute on Drug Abuse instructional materials, was developed by student pharmacists and faculty for delivery to the Rochester City School District. Strict regulations prevented admittance into any classrooms until the program was presented to all health teachers at a district-wide meeting. Approval was given to begin working in the classrooms in April 2011. The program was first adopted in two health education classes at Edison Tech (May 2011). Information was presented to students using lecture, small group discussion, and printed materials. The topic covered, marijuana, was based on the teacher's preference. A formative assessment was used to address student perceptions of the program due to the small number of students in each of the classes (n = 5–7). The teacher of record in the classroom conducted the assessment interviews.

Results: Student feedback included comments such as, “We liked them and appreciate the time they took to come in,” “I didn't know about pharm parties” and, “I learned a lot”. Feedback from the teacher also reflected the positive impact of the program in his classroom: “There is a perception that the outside community does not care about urbanites and this program at the very root reverses that dynamic very clearly. My hope is that we can develop an ongoing relationship.” Conclusion: The timing of program approval by the school district impeded broad implementation for spring 2011; however, plans are in place for several schools in spring 2012. The opportunity to pilot the program with Edison Tech was beneficial and provided valuable feedback for improvement. Student pharmacists are in a unique position to provide this education and are viewed as approachable and non-threatening to high school–aged students.


Poster presented at the American Pharmacists Association Annual Meeting in New Orleans, Louisiana in March 2012.

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