"Course-Level Curriculum Map Pilot Program" by Jane M. Souza, Jennifer Mathews et al.

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Poster Presentation

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Objective: To pilot a newly developed course level curriculum map that documents course learning outcomes, corresponding teaching activities, assessments, student achievement on assessments, and evidence-based changes made subsequently at the course level.

Method: The newly developed course level curriculum map was piloted in twelve courses involving nine faculty members. Faculty either retroactively recorded data or utilized the map during the semester. At the conclusion of the pilot period, a focus group was conducted during which seven of the faculty members shared experiences and recommendations. Focus group comments were recorded by three people. Recorders’ notes were compared for accuracy and completeness. Notes were analyzed using ATLAS.ti, a qualitative research program.

Results: Qualitative analysis of focus group notes yielded four principal comment codes: learning outcomes, changing activities, documenting changes, and changing assessments. These four main codes document that faculty believe work is needed on writing better course learning outcomes, creating more appropriately matched course activities, better documenting data-driven changes that occur at the course level, and developing appropriate assessments.

Implications: Faculty comments support school-wide adoption of course level curriculum mapping. They also suggest a need to provide faculty development on writing precise learning outcomes and mapping them to specific classroom activities to support outcomes achievement. Additionally, curricular changes made at the course level need to be carefully documented and linked to appropriate evidence derived from assessments. The value of the map for inclusion in the dossier for promotion and tenure was also noted.


Poster presented at Faculty Scholarship Celebration, St. John Fisher College, October 25, 2012.

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