Date of Award/Publication


Document Type


Degree Name

M.S. in International Studies


International Studies


Prior to the turn of the Millennium the United Nations began to address the needs of an interdependent society; these needs have now been termed the Millennium Development Goals . As one addresses the need for assistance it is essential to understand which groups are in the greatest need and in turn which states, in this globally interdependent society, will assist those in need. The intention of this paper is first to identify the goals and targets of the Millennium Development Project and then provide a plan for progress in achieving these targets. It is my contention that the bureaucratic nature of the United Nations will continue to impede the growth of those who need the greatest amount of assistance. Furthermore I will develop an understanding of how UNESCO's World Philosophy Day can and will assist the United Nations in meeting these goals. Without a philosophical understanding of development and growth, progress will not occur.

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