Date of Award/Publication


Document Type


Degree Name

M.S. in International Studies


International Studies

First Supervisor

John Roche

Second Supervisor

David MacGregor


The intention of this paper is to explain the evolution of food systems, which has been trending towards a singular global food system. Throughout the past century, global food systems have become increasingly integrated and resembling of a global food system, which depends upon industrial farming techniques and long-distance transport of foodstuffs. Leading the push for a singular global food system are a relatively small number of multinational corporations, called agribusiness, that control nearly all aspects of the food system. These agribusinesses have convinced governments, international organizations, and farmers that the only efficient way to provide enough food for the expanding global population is to adhere to there vision of a global food system, which is supplied by giant industrial farms that specialize in the production of monocultures. The nature of a corporation is to increase profits, not to look out for the welfare of communities, individuals or the environment, this has become evident by the destructive techniques, policies and practices that agribusinesses have implemented. There are alternatives to a corporately dominated global food system, that are healthy, environmentally friendly and sustainable. These alternatives must be further developed with support coming from international organizations, governments, corporations and most importantly, the global citizen.

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