"Only" by Elisabeth Maloney

The Angle

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In lieu of an abstract, below is the essay's first paragraph.

"It was another summer on Tyler Street. The Finley's baby cried. Mr. Moran galloped a long on his squeaky rocker. Our spaniel moped in the shade. Ice cream could melt down to your elbow before you knew it. After a short rain, Molly and I scuffed outdoors. Momma had urged me, "Take your sister outside, sweetness. Teach her to play that game you love--chili peppers, isn't it?" Her face was suffused with color from the heat of our small kitchen. Her oak-colored hair frizzed at the temples from standing over the hot stove. She worked like a pinball, going from task to task as she fixed our dinner. Popping ice cubes into our upturned mouths, she shut the door behind us with a last reminder to me: "Mind your sister, Brigid." She lightly tweaked my nose. "She's the only one you've got, you know.""

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